Every day I walked into my second bedroom and sighed. After 7 years in Atlanta, this was the dumping ground of all things. Golf clubs I’ve never used, wrapping paper, winter coat and snow boots extremely practical for HOTlanta.
Like most people I have “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” in my Kindle. And like most people I read it all the way through without doing anything... well actually I got really good at folding. The worst was when I would muster up the courage to press “play” on Netflix to Marie Kondo’s series. Wow. That made me feel even worse. Add the Minimalism documentary and we got a PARTY!
Do you feel that way with your website? People come and look around and then... crickets. They don’t buy, subscribe, or even come back. Does your website spark... anti-joy? And therefore, isn’t converting?
Well I don’t have a book or Netflix series to guilt you into Marie Kondo-ing your website... in fact! I’m prepared to do the work for you.
The biggest reason people don’t buy from a website is because they’re confused. The more complicated something is, the more reassurance someone needs to understand it. So how do you simplify your website while showcasing all the things you do?
Through my process of UX! I’ll take all the things you do and showcase them in a way that makes sense for your potential customers and makes it EASY PEASY for them to book your services!
“Why do we all keep pretending that we know what we’re doing?” I was talking to my life coach, Kali, yesterday and that’s what she said to me. “None of us know what we’re doing. And that’s the beauty in it! That’s the fun!”
Some of the happiest times I’ve had have been when I had no agenda, no plans, no deadlines. I remember one of the worst times I got burnt out when I was consulting. I took 2 days off and it was glorious. I worked on a website for a friend and took an aimless walk to the park. I sat outside at a restaurant by myself and had a beautiful salad and a glass of champagne. I left my phone at home and had no worries.